If you are in danger and need immediate help, call 000 or Safe Steps, a 24/7 family violence support service on 1800 015 188.Exit site
Women in Work


Women In Work is an employment and coaching program that supports people who have experienced family violence to regain their independence, build resilience and secure sustainable employment. 

Family violence can take many forms, including financial abuse, and can lead to people feeling trapped in violent relationships with insufficient means to financially support themselves or their families.

By providing personalised coaching and employment support, the program helps women and gender diverse people to build the skills, confidence and resilience to overcome barriers to employment – and break the cycle of family violence.

The program presents a unique and transformative opportunity to support victim-survivors beyond crisis and into a phase of re-stabilising, recovery and healing.

Refer a client

Delivered by Good Samaritan Inn, the program provides personalised coaching (informed by the Empath model) and support to help victim-survivors find and maintain paid employment 

Women in Work is available to any woman or gender diverse person who has experienced family violence. Participants can choose to receive employment support, coaching or both services.

If you are a family violence professional, please contact maria.t@goodsamaritaninn.org.au to refer a client.

Program Objectives

  • To provide supported pathways to sustainable employment for family violence victim-survivors who wish to enter or re-enter the workforce.
  • To offer family violence-specialist coaching using an evidence-based approach (Economic Mobility Pathways). The coaching supports survivors on their journey of healing and empowerment, helping them rebuild their sense of self and plan for their future.


Program Impact

  • $301,000Earned as income by participants (since November 2020)
  • 24Victim-survivors supported through the program
  • 13Women in Work partner organisations

    “This program has been immensely beneficial for me, as it has not only helped me gain more confidence but has also provided me with valuable knowledge and strategies for managing my financial situation, enhancing my well-being, and staying focused on building my self-worth.”

    – Women in Work participant

    We need the support of local businesses to continue achieving positive outcomes for victim-survivors. 

    Women in Work can have significant and lasting positive impacts for participants – it is also helping to create more resilient and compassionate communities.

    Our dedicated program staff aim to introduce a diverse, motivated pool of talent to local employers. Importantly, we also provide education and resources to help our employment partners create safe and supportive workplaces, contributing to the healing of victim-survivors.

    As a business, you can truly make a difference through this life-changing program.


    “Starting to work again has changed my life. I had not worked in years and as I was getting older, no one would employ me. Being part of a team and doing something worthwhile with my time makes me feel so happy.” – Women in Work participant


    If you’re interested in becoming an employment partner, please contact Bernie to find out more | bernie.h@goodsamaritaninn.org.au


    Please note: Women In Work is not a crisis response service. If you or someone you know is experiencing family or sexual violence, call a free 24/7 support service.

    Real Stories

    Sofia’s Story

    Sofia* is in her early 30s and has been in Australia for 12 years. Sofia commenced the Women in Work program in April 2023, after being referred from a multicultural family violence service. At the time, she had never worked in Australia, didn’t have a driver’s licence and had been fully dependent on her ex-partner. Sofia has two children aged six and seven that she cares for 13 out of 14 days every fortnight.

    With the support of her Women in Work Coach, over the last 12 months Sofia has achieved a number of goals she set for herself, including:

    • Starting (and nearing completion of) a Diploma in Early Childcare and gaining part-time employment at a local Early Learning Centre.
    • Stabilised her finances and consistently saving money each week.
    • Developed the confidence to start driving lessons and is progressing well.
    • Saved half the money required for the cost of a car, with the remainder funded by another support service.
    • Reconnected with her Christian faith, attending the local church with her children every Sunday. This has anchored her and her children within that community and created the much-needed stability and support.*names and details have been changed to protect participant privacy and confidentiality.