If you are in danger and need immediate help, call 000 or Safe Steps, a 24/7 family violence support service on 1800 015 188.Exit site
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About family violence

All family violence is harmful. Family violence includes physical, sexual, verbal and emotional abuse.

What is family violence?

If someone in your home is making you feel afraid or unsafe, you may be experiencing family violence.

All families have arguments sometimes. This is not the same as family violence. Family violence happens when a person continually behaves in a way that hurts someone in the family or makes them feel afraid.

Family violence includes any abuse between people in a family or a living arrangement that is like a family. You don’t have to be married or related to the abusive person for it to be family violence.

What are some examples of family violence?

Family violence can take many forms. Some of these include:

  • Threats to hurt you, your children or your pets by someone in your family
  • Physical or verbal abuse towards you in front of your child or children by a current or former spouse or partner
  • Physical or sexual violence towards you or your child or children by a current or former spouse or partner
  • Violent behaviour or mistreatment towards a child or young person by a parent or caregiver
  • Violent behaviour or mistreatment towards an older person by a partner or family member, often including financial abuse, controlling behaviours and/or negligence
  • Violent behaviour towards a parent by an adolescent child or dependant.
Who can be a victim survivor of family violence?

Anyone can be a victim of family violence. Regardless of your culture, gender, sexuality, your beliefs or your background, you and your children have a right to feel safe.

Evidence tells us that women are more likely to be a victim of family violence. Perpetrators rely on isolating women to assert their own power and control. If you are experiencing any form of violence at home, you have a right to ask for help.

Family violence is not your fault – you did not choose family violence and you did not cause it to happen.

If you are in danger and need immediate help, call 000 or the 24/7 family violence response phone line on 1800 015 188  

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