With increased support for women and children, and upgrades to our facilities, we are meeting the challenges ahead.
More support for women and children
Good Samaritan Inn is now able to provide increased outreach support for critical appointments such as court hearings, medical appointments, and visits to Centrelink and the police. With our new Transitional House women are now able to stay for 6 to 12 months, avoiding the need to return to motels or other unsafe accommodation. A new on-call system is also planned to give our guests 24/7 counselling support.
Increased case management support includes the development of a journey planning document. This document, which women and children can take with them, describes what they have achieved on their journey, who has helped them and what more they want to do.
The Employment Program has begun in partnership with Danihers Facility Management. This program provides employment and mentoring for women experiencing family violence and homelessness.
Training and development for staff
Training and development to upskill all staff continues with the addition of four RMIT social work student placements. Supported by the Victorian Council of Social Services (VCOSS), a young trainee also had the opportunity to complete her Community Services Traineeship with us.
Looking after our particularly vulnerable guests
To further develop LGBTQI-inclusive practices, we have established a Rainbow Tick Working Group. An Aboriginal Cultural Safety Standards Working Group will also improve our effectiveness in supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children.
Better and safer facilities
Building upgrades, including bathroom refurbishment and installation of a lift, continue. Our rooms have also been reconfigured to offer a more flexible approach as well as improve accessibility for guests with mobility issues. Security will also be increased with the installation of a new fence around the property.
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