By leaving a bequest in your Will you will be leaving a legacy of helping women and children in need. Your bequest could provide food and clothing for women and their children or help fund trauma support and other therapies.
If you would like to leave a bequest in your Will, first talk to your solicitor. Your solicitor will need the following organisational details:
The Good Samaritan Inn (ABN 67 164 278 666) is a registered company, limited by guarantee.
The Good Samaritan Inn is a Public Benevolent Institution and is registered with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC)
You can also take this suggested wording to your solicitor:
“I give [the whole of my estate OR my residuary estate OR …..% of my residuary estate OR the sum of $…………. OR the following assets/items of property – list the items] free of all duties and testamentary expenses to the [Add details of Good Samaritan Inn ABN xxxxx] to be applied for its general purposes and for the furtherance of its works.
I declare that the receipt of the secretary, executive director or other proper officer of the Good Samaritan Inn ABN xxxxx will be a full discharge to my executors and / or trustees who will not be bound to see its application.”