If you are in danger and need immediate help, call 000 or Safe Steps, a 24/7 family violence support service on 1800 015 188.Exit site
Get involved

There are many ways you can support Good Samaritan Inn to help us achieve our mission of supporting people who have experienced family violence and homelessness.

For inspiration, or to discuss your fundraising idea, phone 0435 779 064 or email info@goodsamaritaninn.org.au

I want to make a financial donation

Your one-off or monthly donation will help a family in crisis get back on their feet.

  • $50 will provide a meal and clothes for one family
  • $100 will contribute to trauma support for children
  • $200 will provide a family with a safe room, clothes and all their needs for one night.

You can also make a donation of your choice.

Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible


I want to donate goods or items

Your generosity plays a vital role in providing safety, support, and hope to women, gender diverse people and children impacted by family violence.

While we deeply value the intentions behind all physical donations, we have specific criteria for the goods and items we can accept.

Our Donation Guidelines outline how we can work together to meet the immediate and longer-term needs of the people we support.

I want to start fundraising

There is a lot you can do as an individual to support the work of the Inn. Some ideas are:

  • Hold a fun run with your friends
  • Start a school and community fundraiser
  • Have a garage sale or bake sale
  • Host a concert or party with a purpose
  • Sell raffle tickets
  • Set up a craft stall.

The possibilities are endless, but you do need to talk to us first to set up your fundraising activity. Contact our fundraising team today on info@goodsamaritaninn.org.au

I want to make a bequest

By leaving a bequest in your Will you will be leaving a legacy of helping women and children in need. Your bequest could provide food and clothing for women and their children or help fund trauma support and other therapies.

If you would like to leave a bequest in your Will, first talk to your solicitor. Your solicitor will need the following organisational details:

The Good Samaritan Inn (ABN 67 164 278 666) is a registered company, limited by guarantee.

The Good Samaritan Inn is a Public Benevolent Institution and is registered with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC)

You can also take this suggested wording to your solicitor:

“I give [the whole of my estate OR my residuary estate OR …..% of my residuary estate OR the sum  of $…………. OR the following assets/items of property – list the items] free of all duties and testamentary expenses to the [Add details of Good Samaritan Inn ABN xxxxx] to be applied for its general purposes and for the furtherance of its works.

I declare that the receipt of the secretary, executive director or other proper officer of the Good Samaritan Inn ABN xxxxx will be a full discharge to my executors and / or trustees who will not be bound to see its application.”

Our school community wants to support GSI

We have many wonderful schools across Victoria passionate about supporting GSI and making a meaningful contribution to our work – and we always welcome new school partnerships.

Contact us to discuss our School Fundraising Programs:

Email: Erin (erin.s@goodsamaritaninn.org.au) or Jess (jessica.s@goodsamaritaninn.org.au)

Phone: 0435 779 064

Download our School Fundraising Program Guidelines 

My company or community group wants to become a partner

Partnering with us is a way to show your staff and the community that you care about the safety of women and children.

By becoming a partner, you are also cultivating a strong sense of philanthropy in your organisation. A partnership with a worthy local charity enhances your organisation’s image and creates greater brand awareness. By showing you care about your community, employee morale is also boosted.

There are many ways you can support Good Samaritan Inn that will reap benefits for your organisation while providing much-needed support to women and children experiencing family violence. These include:

  • Holding fundraising events
  • Raising community awareness to help prevent family violence
  • Sponsoring or hosting an event
  • Making donations including payroll and matched giving
  • Providing pro bono services or donating in-kind goods
  • Organising working bees